Chapter 6 Homework


1. What was the "blind spot" in the church 200 years ago?
What does D.P. say is today's blind spot?

2. ___ billion people live on less than ___ $ a day.

3. Read the following verses on the poor and summarize what they say.
Proverbs 19:7,17
Psalms 140:12
James 2:5
1Sam 2:7,8
Psalm 10:17,18
Ex. 22:21-24
Deut 1:16,17
Prov. 28:27
Job 34:28
Psalms 68:10
Psalm 35:10
Psalm 82:3
Psalm 113:7

4. D.P., on page 110 says, "...if there is no sign of caring for the poor in our lives, then there is at least reason to question whether Christ is in our hearts. Read the following passages and explains how he gets there.
Matt. 25:31-46
1John 3:16-18
James 2:14-17

Is he saying we are saved by taking care of the poor?

5. On page 111 he compares sexual immorality to not taking care of the poor. Is that a fair comparison?

Why does he say we use church discipline on one but not the other?

6. Read Luke 16:19-26. Who do you identify with in this story?
D.P. says on 114(bottom) "... if you and I have _____ ______, _______ over our heads, ______ to wear, _______ to eat, and some form of _________, then you are in the top ____% of the world's people for wealth." Are you rich?

How many children does he say die of starvation or preventable diseases while we meet in church on a Sunday morning?

7.Briefly summarize what you see as the difference between the OT and NT in regards to ammassing wealth.

8. Every year we spend ____ billion dollars on church buildings in the U.S. The real estate owned by churches in America amounts in worth to _____ billion dollars.

9. Read Mark 10:17-22. According to D.P., what are the 2 errors made in interpreting this passage?

When the rich young ruler referred to Jesus as "good teacher", what was that indicating?

Read Luke 12:32,33. According to D.P. on page 122, what 3 things does this passage indicate?

10. Read 1Timothy 6:6. What is the challenge to us as "rich" Christians?

11. Why was Wesley convicted about the painting he bought?

Is it wrong to have luxuries?
What is the point we can learn from this event in Wesley's life?(pg. 127)

What did he do with his income to manage his wealth "Biblically"? (pg.128)

12. Calvin once said that _____ of the Church's funds should be allotted specifically for the poor.

13. D.P said we should stop asking "How much can I ______," and start asking "How much will it _____?"

14. Besides putting a "cap" on our income like Wesley did, what else can we do with our wealth to live Biblically? (pg 127)

How did the family on pages 131 and 132 practically demonstrate that?

15. On page 136, D.P. says we are in a war. What is the war we are in?

16. D.P. says, "The way we use our money is a barometer of our present spiritual condition." Look at your checkbook or credit card statement for the last month. What % of God's money was spent on you?

17. D.P. says on page 138 "The mark of Christ followers is that their ______ are in ________ and their ________ are _______ there."